Sunday, May 06, 2007

A sub-culture is brewing (has been brewing)

I came across this article after I was checking out some of the statistics on the usage of SecondLife. "In March, 61 per cent of active Second Life residents were from Europe, compared to 16 per cent from the US and 13 per cent from Asia Pacific, according to research by comScore." Given the above snapshot (of U.S. dollars spent in the last 24 hours), if only 16% of active users are in the U.S. and in the last 24 hours over $1.4 million dollars was spent, what does that say about the revenue being generated for this virtual world entertainment company? I think we get the picture.
A bit more info from the above BusinessWeek article: 1.3 million people have loaded the software, which shows a 46% increase between January and March. "Second Life's own figures state it has more than six million residents and that 1.7 million have logged in during the last 60 days."
A Basic Account is free, but if you really want to disappear into the Matrix it'll cost ya $9.95/month for their Premium Account. Back in the day I use to play SimCity and would get completely engrossed playing it. NoLife...I mean...SecondLife....looks like it could be pretty addictive for people into that sort of thing.

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