Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I've heard some horror stories of the way in which China "deals with" Tibetan buddhist, monks, but this takes the cake. Going into effect next month China will institute a ban on all reincarnating without government permission. Of course this is a smoke screen for deterring the Dalai Lama from coming back and wreaking havoc on their compassionate and tolerant nation like he's done for the past 50 years. Now, China will, by law, have the right to choose the next Dalai Lama, and I'm sure he'll be a lot more cooperative than the current one is. I mean, the nerve of this Dalai Lama to run away from his homeland (because China claimed the Tibetan land as their own) and spend the rest of his life teaching compassion and humility (and Tibetan independence from China). It's a good thing the U.S. has such a vested interest in trade with China or they might have been blacklisted as an "axis of evil" like the rogue nation of Cuba has been. Anyway, Way to go China for covering your bases and making laws over the souls of your people!

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